X-ray Images | Medicine/Biology


X-ray image:
Bone section (knee, 7mm) with tumor

A common X-ray application in pathology is the examination of bone or tissue samples for metastases. During surgical removal of tumors, for example, it must be ensured that the entire tumor has been removed. For this purpose, X-ray images of the removed tissue/bone are taken. If the metastases extend to the edge of the samples, insufficient tissue or bone mass has been removed.

Inspection possibilities:
Tissue / Damage / Metastases


X-ray image:
Skeleton of a mouse

Digital X-ray technology is very well suited for use in medical research / pharmacy / pathology, as all image data can be quickly digitally processed and archived (cataloged). Ongoing costs for film and development are eliminated. The NTB X-ray scanners (EZ 240 – EZ 480) offer optimal conditions for laboratories and research facilities.

Inspection possibilities:
Tissue / Bone structure / Pathology


X-ray image:
Skeleton of a frog

Environmental influences and genetic changes are often part of biological studies where digital X-ray procedures can be used. The enlarged image shows a software-filtered X-ray image for improved visualization of the frog skeleton.

Inspection possibilities:
Skeletal structure / Tissue / Pathology


X-ray image:
Skeleton of a fish

For analyzing water quality in open water bodies, or for research in fish farming and animal feed industry (ornamental fish), X-ray images of fish are taken to detect changes in skeletal structure. Especially for serial examinations, the use of digital X-ray procedures can save considerable costs.

Inspection possibilities:
Tissue / Skeletal structure / Pathology